Suspicious Minds

1997 was the 20th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death. It was also the year after Elvis After Elvis was published. And so I found myself talking about Elvis a lot that year. In August, I gave one version of the talk below in Memphis, at the third (and also, I …

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Why Cultural Studies?: A short tease

Last week, my friend Ted Striphas (so cool that he has two blogs) stumbled across an Amazon link for my really-really-long-time-coming-but-finally-almost-here book, Why Cultural Studies? and posted some nice words of congratulations about it to Facebook. My friend Kembrew McLeod called it “the cultural studies equivalent of waiting for GnR’s …

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More “fun” with IP [Rerun Sunday]

My old blog still exists, but I haven’t touched it in a long while, and I’m gradually trying to migrate my major online presence over here. So I can envision a day, somewhere down the line, where “Revolution on a Stick” goes away. In the meantime, though, Sundays feel like …

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