Reminds Me of Somethin’

So I did a thing tonight as part of this thing. And though I know no one came to see me, when the real stars of the show were Shelby J and Dr. Fink, several people said kind words to me after about my talk. So I figured I’d share …

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60 ’65 45s [Rerun Sunday]

A fella only turns 45 once (time travel and reincarnation notwithstanding). And, being the pop music geek that I am, I decided to honor the occasion by making a couple of suitably themed mix CDs to give away as door prizes (first 45 celebrants only!) at today’s birthday bashes. And, …

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Last week’s links

A half dozen of the most interesting things to pass through my browser in the past seven days. Reworked pop songs Reworked Virginia Woolf Violent future? Violent media? Pianos that play themselves Papers that write themselves

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