Oakland 2006

One of the recurring quirks of (and gripes about) academic conferences has to do with scheduling. To be sure, conference organizers have it rough in this regard, since they’re pretty much guaranteed to make someone unhappy with whatever they do. No one, after all, wants to be on the first …

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Suspicious Minds

1997 was the 20th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death. It was also the year after Elvis After Elvis was published. And so I found myself talking about Elvis a lot that year. In August, I gave one version of the talk below in Memphis, at the third (and also, I …

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Ten books

If you’re on Facebook, you’ve probably seen some version of the “Ten Books” meme. A friend there tagged me, and I agreed to follow through … but I’d rather do so here. Partially because it’s a way for me to keep up my renewed commitment to blogging regularly, but also …

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