Reminds Me of Somethin’

So I did a thing tonight as part of this thing. And though I know no one came to see me, when the real stars of the show were Shelby J and Dr. Fink, several people said kind words to me after about my talk. So I figured I’d share …

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60 ’65 45s [Rerun Sunday]

A fella only turns 45 once (time travel and reincarnation notwithstanding). And, being the pop music geek that I am, I decided to honor the occasion by making a couple of suitably themed mix CDs to give away as door prizes (first 45 celebrants only!) at today’s birthday bashes. And, …

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So you had better do as you are told…

My friends Matt May and Jess Havens (no website of her own, so no link…sorry!) have recently started a weekly radio show called “FutureMixtape” on KEOS in College Station, TX. They’ve asked some of their friends to curate 15-20 minute sets of tunes each week … and they were bold …

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