Found in Translation

Last week, I said I’d share the other thing I did at the shoulda-been-2020-but-there-was-a-pandemic-so-it-was-2022-instead “Crossroads in Cultural Studies” conference. And so here it is. The “Giulia” who gets mentioned is my co-panelist, Giulia Pelillo-Hestermeyer, who only lacks a full name in my talk because she had spoken immediately before me, …

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What next?

I did a thing today (and yesterday too, but yesterday’s thing can wait until next week to show up here) as part of the long-awaited, much-missed “Crossroads in Cultural Studies” conference that was supposed to happen in person in Lisbon in 2020 but . . . well, you know what …

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Suspicious Minds

1997 was the 20th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death. It was also the year after Elvis After Elvis was published. And so I found myself talking about Elvis a lot that year. In August, I gave one version of the talk below in Memphis, at the third (and also, I …

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