The Blue Boys

Once upon a time, people used to make mix CDs. One of those people was a friend of mine, Aaron Caplan, and he started what he called a Burning Circle. It was a simple and delightful concept. 12 people. Each month, one of the 12 would make a mix CD, …

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60 ’65 45s [Rerun Sunday]

A fella only turns 45 once (time travel and reincarnation notwithstanding). And, being the pop music geek that I am, I decided to honor the occasion by making a couple of suitably themed mix CDs to give away as door prizes (first 45 celebrants only!) at today’s birthday bashes. And, …

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None of us are free

I made this mix CD almost a decade ago. The two most recent tracks on it (the first and the last, as it turns out) are from 2002. None of the others are more recent than 1989. The oldest track turned 75 earlier this year. These days, however, the whole …

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