Sweet dreams

One of my favorite ever conference “presentations” was something that began as a joke. Greg Seigworth (and old friend from grad school) was organizing a conference on affect, and had included a specific request in the call for papers to “Wreck The Format” (WTF) with non-traditional ways of engaging with …

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What next?

I did a thing today (and yesterday too, but yesterday’s thing can wait until next week to show up here) as part of the long-awaited, much-missed “Crossroads in Cultural Studies” conference that was supposed to happen in person in Lisbon in 2020 but . . . well, you know what …

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Suspicious Minds

1997 was the 20th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death. It was also the year after Elvis After Elvis was published. And so I found myself talking about Elvis a lot that year. In August, I gave one version of the talk below in Memphis, at the third (and also, I …

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Achieving Critical Mass

Another dip into the archive of old conference papers. This time, reaching back to the National Communication Association conference in Seattle in November 2000. There are some early versions of arguments here that eventually found there way into Why Cultural Studies? There’s a brief reference to a book project with …

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Being (un)disciplined

In November 2004, I was part of a spotlight panel — “With Eyes Wide Open: Moving and Looking, Evaluating Critical Cultural Studies” — at the annual conference of the National Communication Association in Chicago. It was a crowded panel — 6 people giving short position papers, 6 more people responding …

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Copywrongs and media pedagogy

In 2009, I was asked to be part of a panel on “Copyright in the Age of YouTube” that was part of a regular Technology-Enhanced Learning Seminar Series sponsored by the Digital Media Center at the University of Minnesota. I was told that it was purely a coincidence that this …

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Fifty Shades of Black (conference version)

Continuing the slow march through the archives that I promised/threatened to engage in a few weeks ago, here’s a conference paper that I wrote, but never delivered. This was supposed to be part of a panel at the 2018 “Crossroads in Cultural Studies” conference in Shanghai . . . but …

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You Can Look

As I promised (threatened?) last week, I’m going to start sharing a range of “lost”/ephemeral presentations here on an occasional basis. I don’t plan on making any revisions to the texts themselves (a bit of format-cleaning and typo-fixing notwithstanding) — and this also means that there will be citational shortcomings, …

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